
View Types


By default all Lona views are interactive. Interactive Lona views run over a websocket connection, which makes input events and background views possible.

More information: Basic Concept


Non interactive views run on HTTP, not websockets. This is useful to add a JSON-API to your project for example.

To mark a view non interactive, use the interactive keyword in the


from lona import Route

routes = [
    Route('/json-api.json', 'views/', interactive=False)
# views/

from lona import LonaView, JsonResponse

class JSONAPIView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return JsonResponse({'exit_code': 0, 'value': 'foo'})

HTTP Pass Through

HTTP pass through views bypass the most of the Lona server infrastructure and speak directly to aiohttp. Therefore HTTP pass through views get aiohttp request objects passed in and have to return aiohttp response objects.

This is useful to use basic HTTP features like file upload, or connect Lona to WSGI based frameworks like Django.

HTTP pass through views can be callbacks instead of classes, to make projects like aiohttp wsgi work. More information: Integrating Django.

To mark a view as HTTP pass through, use the http_pass_through keyword in the


from lona import Route

routes = [
    Route('/http-pass-through/', 'views/',
# views/

from aiohttp.web import Response

from lona import LonaView

class HTTPPassThroughView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return Response(
            body='<h1>HTTP Pass Through</h1>',

URL Args

Simple Patterns


from lona import Route

routes = [
    Route('/<arg1>/<arg2>/', 'views/'),
# views/

from lona import LonaView

class MyView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        arg1 = request.match_info['arg1']
        arg2 = request.match_info['arg2']

Custom Patterns

Custom patterns can be any valid regex:


from lona import Route

routes = [
    Route('/<arg1:[a-z]{3}>/', 'views/'),

It is possible to match any character (including the /). The following route matches any URL beginning with prefix:


from lona import Route

routes = [
    Route('/prefix<path:.*>', 'views/'),

Trailing Slashes

Make the trailing slash in a URL optional by ending the route with (/)):


from lona import Route

routes = [
    Route('/<arg1>(/)', 'views/'),

Request Objects



  • request.user is writable since 1.4
  • request.interactive was added in 1.4
  • was added in 1.16.1
Name Description
id (String) Unique identifier
interactive (Bool) Is true when the request came in over a websocket connection
method (String) Contains either 'GET' or 'POST'
GET (Dict) Contains the URL query
POST (Dict) Contains POST arguments. Empty in case of GET requests
route (lona.routing.Route) Contains the Lona route that linked to this view
match_info (Dict) Contains the routing Match info
user Contains the user associated with this request
url Python yarl url object
frontend (Bool) flag if this is a frontend view
server Reference to the running Lona server


By default all Lona view requests are GET requests. The URL query is stored in request.GET.

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):

        return ''


It is possible to use traditional POST requests. This doesn't require the view to wait for user input and saves resources.

from lona.html import HTML, Form, TextInput, Submit, H1
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            return f'<h1>Hello {request.POST["name"]}</h1>'

        return HTML(
            H1('Enter your name'),

Response Objects

HTML Responses

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return """
            <h1>Hello World</h1>
from lona import LonaView
from lona.html import H1

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return H1('Hello World')

Template Responses

Dictionary Based


Dictionary based responses are deprecated since 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0

Use response classes instead

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'template': 'path/to/your/template.html',
            'foo': 'bar',
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'template_string': '<h1>{{ header }}}</h1>',
            'header': 'Hello World',
Class Based


Added in 1.12

from lona import LonaView, TemplateResponse, TemplateStringResponse

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return TemplateResponse(
                'variable_name': 'foo',

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return TemplateStringResponse(
            '{{ message }}',
                'variable_name': 'Template String Response',


Dictionary Based


Dictionary based responses are deprecated since 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0

Use response classes instead

from lona import LonaView
from lona.html import H1

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'redirect': '/',
Class Based


Added in 1.12

from lona import LonaView, RedirectResponse

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return RedirectResponse('/')

HTTP Redirects

Dictionary Based


Dictionary based responses are deprecated since 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0

Use response classes instead

from lona import LonaView
from lona.html import H1

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'http_redirect': '/',
Class Based


Added in 1.12

from lona import LonaView, HttpRedirectResponse

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return HttpRedirectResponse('/')

JSON Responses


JSON responses are only available in non interactive views

Dictionary Based


Dictionary based responses are deprecated since 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0

Use response classes instead

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'json': {
                'foo': 'bar',
Class Based


Added in 1.12

from lona import LonaView, JsonResponse

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return JsonResponse({'foo': 'bar'})

Binary Responses


  • Binary responses are only available in non interactive views
  • Added in 1.8
Dictionary Based


Dictionary based responses are deprecated since 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0

Use response classes instead

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'content_type': 'application/pdf',
            'body': open('foo.pdf', 'rb').read(),
Class Based


Added in 1.12

from lona import LonaView, Response

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return Response(
            body=open('foo.pdf', 'rb').read(),

Custom Headers


  • Custom headers are only available in non interactive views
  • Added in 1.8
Dictionary Based


Dictionary based responses are deprecated since 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0

Use response classes instead

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return {
            'headers': {
                'foo': 'bar',
            'text': 'foo',
Class Based


Added in 1.12

from lona import LonaView, Response

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return Response(
                'foo': 'bar',

View Hooks


  • LonaView.on_stop() was added in 1.7.4
  • LonaView.on_cleanup() was added in 1.7.4
  • LonaView.on_shutdown() was removed in 1.8

All entry points for user code in Lona views are callbacks in the LonaView class. If a hook name starts with handle_ it means that the view can stop the event handler chain for the incoming event. If a hook name starts with on_ the view gets only notified of the event. It can't control further handling of the event.

The main entry point of a view is handle_request(). handle_request() may run indefinitely and wait for events. All other hooks are supposed to run for shorter periods of time.

After handle_request() stops, the view stays accessible until the user closes the tab. That means even after handle_request() returned, hooks like handle_input_event() and on_view_event() are getting called on incoming events. After handle_request() stopped, on_stop() gets called, and on_cleanup() after the user disconnected, reloaded the tab or changed the browser URL.

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        return '<h1>Hello World</h1>'

    def handle_input_event_root(self, input_event):
        return input_event

    def handle_input_event(self, input_event):
        return input_event

    def on_view_event(self, view_event):
        # deprecated since 1.14
        # use Channels instead


    def on_stop(self, reason):

    def on_cleanup(self):

    def on_shutdown(self, reason):
        # this hook got removed in 1.8



Gets called with a lona.request.Request object, and has to return a response object described in Response Objects.

handle_request() is the main entry point for every view. Your main logic should be stored here.


This hook is gets called first for every input event and is able to override all input event behavior.

This hook is required to return the given input event or None. If the input event is returned, the chain of input events described in Input Events continues. If the return value is None Lona regards the input event as handled and aborts the chain.


This hook is gets called for every input event that is not awaited in handle_request() or handled by a widget.



View events are deprecated since 1.14. Use Channels instead.

This hook gets called for every incoming view event.



Added in 1.7.4

This hook gets called after handle_request() stops. reason is either None if handle_request() finished normally, or an exception if handle_request() was interrupted or crashed. If it crashed, reason contains the original exception.

If the handle_request() was interrupted by the server shutting down, reason contains a lona.exceptions.ServerStop exception.

If the handle_request() was interrupted by the user by closing the connection, either intentionally or due connection loss, reason contains a lona.exceptions.UserAbort exception.



Added in 1.7.4

This hook gets called after the view is fully shutdown and gets removed from the server.



Removed in 1.8

This hook gets called after the view is stopped. The stop reason is None if the view finished normally or contains a lona.exceptions.ServerStop or lona.exceptions.UserAbort if the connected user closed the browser.

It does not run if the view ran into a 403 error, a 500 error or returned a response dict.

View Attributes

Name Description
server Reference to the running Lona server
request Reference to the request passed into handle_request()


To raise a forbidden error and run the 403 view you can raise lona.errors.ForbiddenError.

More information: Error views

from lona import LonaView, ForbiddenError

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        if not request.user.is_staff:
            raise ForbiddenError

        return '<h1>Hello Admin</h1>'



Added in 1.8.3

To raise a not found error and run the 404 view you can raise lona.NotFoundError.

More information: Error views

import os

from lona import LonaView, NotFoundError

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        path = request.match_info['path']

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise NotFoundError

        return {
            'file': path,

Input Events


Changed in 1.5: In all versions prior to 1.5, only widgets could handle their own events. In versions after 1.5 all node classes can.

Changed in 1.7: In all versions prior to 1.7, == checked if two nodes have equal attributes, but did not check if node A is the same node as node B. To check if node A is node B is is instead of == was required.

Added in 1.7.4: Redirects

Input events get handled in a chain of hooks. Every hook is required to return the given input event, to pass it down the chain, or return None to mark the event as handled.

The first member of the chain is LonaView.handle_input_event_root(). If the event got returned Lona passes the event into all AbstractNode.handle_input_event() by bubbling the event the HTML tree up. If the event got returned by the last widget in the chain, Lona checks if LonaView.handle_request() awaits an input event using await_[input_event|click|change](). If not LonaView.handle_input_event() gets called as last member of the chain.

Input events can, but don't have to, contain a node that issued the event in input_event.node.

Input event handler can also return redirects, even after handle_request() stopped.

Input Event types

from lona.html import HTML, Div, Button, CLICK
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_click(self, input_event):
        print(input_event.tag_name, 'was clicked')

    def handle_request(self, request):
        return HTML(
            Div('Click me', events=[CLICK], handle_click=self.handle_click),

            # Buttons have CLICK set by default
            Button('Click Me', handle_click=self.handle_click),

Click events contain meta data in

Name Description
alt_key Boolean. Is True when ALT was pressed while clicking
ctrl_key Boolean. Is True when CTRL was pressed while clicking
shift_key Boolean. Is True when SHIFT was pressed while clicking
meta_key Boolean. Is True when META was pressed while clicking
node_height Integer. Contains the height of the clicked node
node_width Integer. Contains the width of the clicked node
x Integer. Contains the x coordinate of the Cursor
y Integer. Contains the y coordinate of the Cursor
from lona.html import HTML, TextInput
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_change(self, input_event):
        print('TextInput is set to', input_event.node.value)

    def handle_request(self, request):
        return HTML(
            TextInput(value='foo', handle_change=self.handle_change),


Added in 1.9

from lona.html import HTML, TextInput, FOCUS
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_focus(self, input_event):
        print('TextInput got focused')

    def handle_request(self, request):
        return HTML(
            TextInput(events=[FOCUS], handle_focus=self.handle_focus),


Added in 1.9

from lona.html import HTML, TextInput, BLUR
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_blur(self, input_event):
        print('TextInput got blurred')

    def handle_request(self, request):
        return HTML(
            TextInput(events=[BLUR], handle_blur=self.handle_blur),

Input Event Attributes


Added in 1.5: InputEvent.nodes

Added in 1.11: InputEvent.target_node

Name Description
node (lona.html.Node) Reference to the node that issued the input_event
target_node (lona.html.Node) Reference to the node that that was under the cursor ( in JavaScript)
nodes (list(lona.html.Node)) Contains a list of all nodes in the chain up to the root
data (Dict) For click events this contains meta data from the browser
tag_name (String) Contains the tag name of the node in the browser
id_list (List) Contains a list of all ids of the node in the browser
class_list (List) Contains a list of all classes of the node in the browser
event_id (Int) Contains the event id
connection (lona.connection.Connection) Contains the connection over that this event came in
window_id The window id the browser gave this view
request (lona.request.Request) Contains the request over that this event came in
document (lona.html.document.Document) Contains the document that contains input_event.node
payload (List) Contains the raw event payload

Input Event Methods

Returnes True if the node associated with this event has the given id.
Returnes True if the node associated with this event has the given class.

Handling Input events In A Callback


  • Callbacks were Added in 1.5
  • The node keywords handle_click and handle_change were added in 1.6

Every subclass of lona.html.AbstractNode can implement handle_input_event() to handle its own input events.

A callbacks can be implemented using inheritance or by simply resetting the values of AbstractNode.handle_input_event(), AbstractNode.handle_click() or AbstractNode.handle_change().

Callbacks can also be set by passing them directly into nodes, using the handle_change or handle_click keywords.

from lona.html import HTML, H1, Button
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_button_1_click(self, input_event):
        print('button 1 was clicked')

    def handle_button_2_click(self, input_event):
        print('button 2 was clicked')

    def handle_request(self, request):
        button_1 = Button('Button 1')

        button_1.handle_click = self.handle_button_1_click

        html = HTML(
            H1('Click the buttons'),
            Button('Button 2', handle_click=self.handle_button_2_click),

Awaiting Input Events

Input events can be awaited from handle_request(). This makes forms or wizards possible.


Using LonaView.await_* means that the calling thread blocks until the awaited input events gets send by the browser. This is useful when writing deamonized views for interactive wizards, but might not scale when the user base of your view grows.

If thread-count and scalability are crucial for you, consider using callbacks.

from lona.html import HTML, H1, Button
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        html = HTML(
            H1('Click the button'),
            Button('click me'),

        input_event = self.await_click()

        print(input_event.node, 'was clicked')

Handling Input Events In A Hook

Input events can also be handled in handle_input_event() when handle_request() is busy.

from datetime import datetime

from lona.html import HTML, H1, Div, Button
from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_request(self, request):
        self.timestamp = Div()
        self.message = Div()
        self.button = Button('click me')

        self.html = HTML(
            H1('Click the button'),

        while True:



    def handle_input_event(self, input_event):
        if not input_event.node == self.button:
            return input_event

        self.message.set_text(f'Button was clicked at {}')

Overriding All Input Event Hooks

handle_input_event_root() gets always called first. This makes it possible to override even widget event handler.

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def handle_input_event_root(self, input_event):

Adding Javascript And CSS To View


Added in 1.7.3

Views can include stylesheets and javascript files in STATIC_FILES. Such files will be automatically served and included in html.

Static file's name must be unique in the whole project (including static files in nodes and widgets).

To control the include order, sort_order is used. sort_order is a simple integer, but to make the code more readable lona.static_files.SORT_ORDER is used.

from lona.static_files import StyleSheet, Script, SORT_ORDER
from lona import LonaView

class MyView(LonaView):
        # styesheets
            link=False,  # When link is set to False the given file
                         # gets collected, but not linked. That's necessary
                         # to make map files possible.

        # scripts

    def handle_request(self, request):
        return 'SUCCESS'

View Events


  • Added in 1.7.3
  • Redirect support was added in 1.7.4

Views can communicate with each other by sending events using LonaView.fire_view_event(). A view event consists of a name and data. The name is mandatory and has to be a string, the data is optional but if set has to be a dict.

When a event is send using LonaView.fire_view_event() it is send to every object of the same view class. To send events to multiple view classes Server.fire_view_event() can be used. Incoming view events are getting handled by LonaView.on_view_event().

View event handler can return redirects, even after handle_request() stopped.

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def on_view_event(self, view_event):

    def handle_request(self, request):
        self.fire_view_event('my-event-name', {'foo': 'bar'})

View Methods, template=None, template_string=None, title=None, template_context=None)


This method works in interactive mode only

Takes a HTML tree from lona.html, a string or a template name and context and sends it to the client.

When the given html is a HTML tree and it is the same object as the in call before, Lona sends only updates, not the entire HTML tree all over again.

More information on HTML trees: HTML



This method works in interactive mode only

This method sets the title of the browser tab.

LonaView.await_input_event(*nodes, html=None)


LonaView.await_* blocks the current thread until a matching event gets send by the browser.

Read Awaiting Input Events for more information.

Returns the next incoming input event.

When nodes is set, the next input event issued by one of the given nodes is returned.

When html is set, gets called before waiting on an input event

LonaView.await_click(*nodes, html=None)


LonaView.await_* blocks the current thread until a matching event gets send by the browser.

Read Awaiting Input Events for more information.

Returns the next incoming click event.

When nodes is set, the next input event issued by one of the given nodes is returned.

When html is set, gets called before waiting on an input event

LonaView.await_change(*nodes, html=None)


LonaView.await_* blocks the current thread until a matching event gets send by the browser.

Read Awaiting Input Events for more information.

Returns the next incoming change event.

When nodes is set, the next input event issued by one of the given nodes is returned.

When html is set, gets called before waiting on an input event

LonaView.await_focus(*nodes, html=None)


Added in 1.9


LonaView.await_* blocks the current thread until a matching event gets send by the browser.

Read Awaiting Input Events for more information.

Returns the next incoming focus event.

When nodes is set, the next input event issued by one of the given nodes is returned.

When html is set, gets called before waiting on an input event

LonaView.await_blur(*nodes, html=None)


Added in 1.9


LonaView.await_* blocks the current thread until a matching event gets send by the browser.

Read Awaiting Input Events for more information.

Returns the next incoming blur event.

When nodes is set, the next input event issued by one of the given nodes is returned.

When html is set, gets called before waiting on an input event



This method is deprecated and will be removed in Lona 2.0.

Use LonaView.is_daemon instead.

Allow the view to run in background after the user disconnected.


Daemonized views are not meant to be used to create multi-user views. They are meant to create single-user views that are long running (multiple minutes or hours).

For example if you write a view that process a huge amount of data, and you want to push a progress bar forward.

If you want to create multi-user views, use view events.



Added in 1.11

Boolean property. When set to True, the view remains on the server after it finished and can be connected and reconnected by one or more browsers or browser tabs of the same user. The view gets removed from the server after the view explicitly sets LonaView.is_daemon to False.


In all versions prior to 1.11, daemonized views got removed immediately from the server when their LonaView.handle_requset() returned. To maintain compatibility with older code, this new behavior is only active if LonaView.STOP_DAEMON_WHEN_VIEW_FINISHES is set to False.

LonaView.subscribe(topic, handler, implicit_show=True)

Subscribes to a channel with the given topic and handler, and does error handling when the handler crashes, by invoking the 500 error handler. When implicit_show is set to True, is called after every handled message.

LonaView.subscribe() maintains a list of all subscribed channels and unsubscribes all of them on cleanup, when the view closes, using LonaView.unsubscribe_from_all_channels().


Unsubscribes from all channels, subscribed using LonaView.subscribe().

Gets called implicitly on cleanup when the view closes.



Removed in 1.8

Returns a generator over all objects of the view class. This is useful to build multi user views.

LonaView.fire_view_event(name, data=None)


View events are deprecated since 1.14. Use Channels instead.


Added in 1.7.3

Sends a view event to all objects of its class. name has to be a str, data is optional but has to be a dict if set.

To send a view event to multiple view classes use Server.fire_view_event() instead.

LonaView.send_str(string, broadcast=False, filter_connections=lambda connection: True, wait=True)

Sends given string over the websocket connection to all clients, connected to this view. When broadcast is set, the string gets send to all websocket connections connected to the server.

The filter gets called for every connection that is about to get the string send.

from lona import LonaView

class MyLonaView(LonaView):
    def filter_admins(self, connection):
        if connection.user.is_admin:
            return True

        return False

    def handle_request(self, request):
            'message only for admins',

The method returns when the message got send. When wait is set to False, the method returns immediately after the string got written to the connection message queues.

More information: Sending custom messages

LonaView.sleep(**args, **kwargs)

Calls asyncio.sleep(), but is abortable.

When using asyncio.sleep() or time.sleep() directly, the server cannot shutdown til the call returns.

When using LonaView.sleep() the Lona server can the abort the call when shutting down.

This method raises a lona.exception.UserAbort or lona.exception.ServerStop if the server got stopped or the user left.


Takes a asyncio awaitable and schedules it to server.loop. The method returns the return value of the awaitable, raises its exception or raises lona.exception.UserAbort or lona.exceptions.ServerStop if the server stopped while waiting on awaitable or the user left.



Removed in 1.8. Use rlpython directly instead.

import rlpython

Embeds a rlpython based shell. More info on shells: Debugging.